TSA Passenger Count

Jul 20, 2020

TSA passenger number have held, reaching number consistent with the end of March.

Date Total Traveler Throughput Total Traveler Throughput
(1 Year Ago - Same Weekday)
7/19/2020 747,422 2,727,355
7/18/2020 646,654 2,396,462
7/17/2020 720,378 2,776,960
7/16/2020 706,164 2,716,828
7/15/2020 589,285 2,522,563
7/14/2020 540,268 2,447,177
7/13/2020 697,985 2,615,115
7/12/2020 754,545 2,669,717
7/11/2020 656,284 2,312,178
7/10/2020 711,124 2,716,812
7/9/2020 709,653 2,608,209
7/8/2020 632,498 2,515,902
7/7/2020 641,761 2,506,859


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