TSA Passenger Total

airlines Jul 27, 2020

TSA's daily passenger totals appear to be stabilizing after 3 weeks of fluctuations between 550,000 passengers per day and 750,000. Based on this data, future bookings, and early outs, two airlines (Southwest and Alaska Airlines) have both announced that they do not intend to furlough pilots. 


TSA checkpoint travel numbers for 2020 and 2019

This page will be updated by 9 a.m. Monday - Friday. (Back to Coronavirus (COVID-19) information)

Date Total Traveler Throughput Total Traveler Throughput
(1 Year Ago - Same Weekday)
7/26/2020 751,205 2,700,723
7/25/2020 649,027 2,364,925
7/24/2020 724,770 2,732,770
7/23/2020 704,815 2,705,399
7/22/2020 570,951 2,561,911
7/21/2020 530,421 2,499,460
7/20/2020 695,330 2,635,312
7/19/2020 747,422 2,727,355
7/18/2020 646,654 2,396,462
7/17/2020 720,378 2,776,960
7/16/2020 706,164 2,716,828

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